Player's Anti-Doping Rules

Play Fair:

Play fair is the essence of the Olympic movement and all sportspersons should adhere to the value and spirit of sport. The sportspersons should adopt ethical means in achieving sporting excellence through dedicated perfection of each one’s natural talents.

Any unethical means including the use of performance enhancing drugs/substances adopted to compete in sporting events are against the spirit of sport. To ensure a play fair opportunity to each of the competing sportsperson the Anti-doping programs seek to preserve the value of true sport.

Anti-Doping Program:

Govt. of India is fully committed in the fight against doping in order to protect the right of the athlete and maintain the integrity in sports. The National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) has been established in the year 2009 which is responsible for the implementation of the anti-doping program in the country.

National Anti-Doping Agency:

The primary objectives of the organisation is to adopt and implement the anti-doping rules and policies, which conform to the World Anti-Doping Code, regulate dope control programme by dope sample collection, result management of adverse analytical findings and imposing sanctions/ ban on athletes/ athlete support personnel who have violated anti-doping rules and to promote education and research and creating awareness about doping and its ill effects.

Khelo India School Games aims to be the flag-bearer for the anti-doping movement in the country. NADA would like to take this opportunity to reach out every athlete participating in the games to spread the message of anti-doping awareness. We are sure that the athletes who compete in Games and their coaches and team managers will understand the message and promote the ideals of sportsmanship, including clean sport and say no to drugs!

The anti-doping rules are of the purpose to protect the athletes fundamental right to participate in doping-free sport and thus promote health, fairness, and equality for athletes worldwide and to ensure harmonized, coordinated and effective anti-doping program at the international and national level with regard to detection, deterrence and presentation of doping.

Athletes and their support personnel (coaches, team manager, s, doctors, physiotherapists etc.) must be aware of the Anti-Doping Rules 2015 (ADR) of the National Anti-Doping Agency.

“It is each Athlete’s personal duty to ensure that no Prohibited Substance enters his or her body. Athletes are responsible for any Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers found to be present in their Samples. Accordingly, it is not necessary that intent, Fault, negligence or knowing Use on the Athlete’s part be demonstrated in order to establish an anti-doping rule violation “

Anti-Doping Rule Violations:

Doping is defined as the occurrence of one or more of the anti­doping rule violations set forth in Article 2.1 through Article 2.10 of the Anti­Doping Rules. The purpose of Article 2 is to specify the circumstances and conduct which constitute anti­doping rule violations. Hearings in doping cases will proceed based on the assertion that one or more of these specific rules have been violated. Athletes or other Persons shall be responsible for knowing what constitutes an anti­doping rule violation and the substances and methods, which have been included on the Prohibited List.

Prohibited Substances and Methods:

WADA’s determination of the Prohibited Substances and Prohibited Methods that will be included on the Prohibited List, the classification of substances into categories on the Prohibited List, and the classification of a substance as prohibited at all times or In­Competition only, is final and shall not be subject to challenge by an Athlete or other Person based on an argument that the substance or method was not a masking agent or did not have the potential to enhance performance, represent a health risk or violate the spirit of sport. The Prohibited List is published on an annual basis for effective implementation from respective calendar year.

Athlete can know about the latest prohibited /banned substances and methods published by WADA/NADA at or

Therapeutic Use Exemptions (“TUEs”):

Athletes, like all people, may have illnesses or conditions that require them to take a particular medication/substance or undergo certain procedures/methods. For athletes, the substance or method may appear on World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)’s List of Prohibited Substances and Methods (List). In such instances, they may be granted a TUE, which gives them permission to take a substance or use a method.

The presence of a Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers, and/or the Use or Attempted Use, Possession or Administration or Attempted Administration of a Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method shall not be considered an anti-doping rule violation if it is consistent with the provisions of a TUE granted in accordance with the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions.